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Yasuhiro Inami


Yasuhiro is an iOS developer at LINE Corporation. While creating iPhone apps such as messenger, camera, news app in his work, he also dedicates his time to functional (reactive) programming and open source projects, e.g. TryParsec.

He is a huge fan of Swift and Haskell, and he is a try! Swift 2016 Tokyo speaker.

Yasuhiro's Talk on Day 1 - 12:00 p.m. - 12:35 p.m.

Reactive State Machine

Since Swift has emerged in 2014 and the idea of Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) has become widespread, iOS development practices are now in a great paradigm shift.

However, we still have difficulties in managing states and side-effects to interact with our world. In this presentation, we will look through the basics of Automata Theory (State Machine), ideas from JavaScript’s React.js and Redux, and how to unite them with FRP.