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Ben Asher


Ben is an iOS engineer at Yelp working to help engineers feel confident pushing code for an app that shipped with the App Store. He also enjoys contributing to open source projects such as CocoaPods. In his free time, he likes flying planes and baking bread.

Ben's Talk on Day 1 - 10:00 a.m. to 10:35 a.m.

Writing Swift, while living on Objective-C

Even if you're only writing Swift code these days, you likely work with time-tested Objective-C libraries or even just your app's old Objective-C code. As a Swift engineer, it's important to understand how the two languages work together. Because the Yelp app shipped with the App Store back in 2008, we've been quite busy marrying our new Swift and legacy Objective-C code.

I'm going to talk about the basics of Swift and Objective-C interoperability, how to minimally prepare your Objective-C for your Swift, and most importantly, the finer points of nullability.